
Jewish calendar calculation in Java

Table Of Contents

Determining if a Jewish year is a leap year

The following function calculates whether a jewish year is a leap year or not.

public boolean hebrewLeapYear(int year) {
  if ((((year*7)+1) % 19) < 7)
    return true;
    return false;

Numbering of the Jewish months, converting a Jewish month number into a string

The Jewish months are numbered in the following way:

Name of Jewish monthMonth number
Adar (in non-leap years), Adar I (in leap years)12
Adar II (in leap years), unused in non-leap years13

When displaying a month name string, you should distinguish between leap years and non-leap years in order to correctly display the month name of Adar. The following function getJewishMonthName helps:

  public static boolean hebrewLeapYear(int year) {
    if ((((year*7)+1) % 19) < 7)
      return true;
      return false;

  public static String getJewishMonthName(int monthNumber, int year) {
    String[] jewishMonthNamesLeap = {"Nisan", "Iyar", "Sivan", "Tammuz",
                                "Av", "Elul", "Tishri", "Heshvan",
                                "Kislev", "Tevet", "Shevat", "Adar I", "Adar II"};
    String[] jewishMonthNamesNonLeap = {"Nisan", "Iyar", "Sivan", "Tammuz",
                                "Av", "Elul", "Tishri", "Heshvan",
                                "Kislev", "Tevet", "Shevat", "Adar"};

    if(hebrewLeapYear(year)) {
      return jewishMonthNamesLeap[monthNumber-1];
    } else {
      return jewishMonthNamesNonLeap[monthNumber-1];

Now you need following classes:

Converting Gregorian dates to Jewish dates

In order to convert a Gregorian date to a Jewish date, use the CalendarImpl.absoluteFromGregorianDate function to convert the Gregorian date into an absolute day number and the CalendarImpl.jewishDateFromAbsolute function to convert the absolute day number to a Jewish date.

The CalendarImpl.absoluteFromGregorianDate function takes an object of the class CalendarDate of the Gregorian date and an object of the CalendarImpl class and returns the corresponding absolute day number. Then you can pass the returned absolute day number to the CalendarImpl.jewishDateFromAbsolute function which returns a CalendarDate containing the Jewish month, day and year of the passed absolute day number.


  public static CalendarDate gregorian2Jewish(CalendarDate date2Convert, CalendarImpl i) {
    int absolute = i.absoluteFromGregorianDate(date2Convert);
    CalendarDate dateJewish = i.jewishDateFromAbsolute(absolute);
    return dateJewish;

Converting Jewish dates to Gregorian dates

If converting a Jewish date to a Gregorian date, the function CalendarImpl.absoluteFromJewishDate with parameters month, day and year has to be used to convert a Jewish date into an absolute day number. Then, the function CalendarImpl.gregorianDateFromAbsolute converts the absolute day number into a CalendarDate which contains the Gregorian month, day and year of the passed absolute day number.


  public static CalendarDate jewish2Gregorian(CalendarDate date2Convert, CalendarImpl i) {
    int absolute = i.absoluteFromJewishDate(date2Convert);
    CalendarDate dateGregorian = i.gregorianDateFromAbsolute(absolute);
    return dateGregorian;

Getting the weekday of a Gregorian or Jewish date

Given an absolute day number, the weekday of a date can be easily determined by the CalendarImpl.getWeekday function which takes the absolute day number as the argument.

0 is returned for Sunday, 1 is returned for Monday, and so on.

  public static int getWeekday(int absDate) {
    return (absDate % 7);

Getting the number of days in a Gregorian or Jewish month

The function CalendarImpl.getLastDayOfJewishMonth takes a month and year and returns the last day (= number of days) of the passed month.

The function CalendarImpl.getLastDayOfGregorianMonth takes a month and year, too and returns the last day (= number of days) of the passed month.

Sunrise, sunset, degrees below horizons, proportional hours

The class Location contains the name (it is not used in the calculation code), latitude, longitude, time zone and optionally the elevation (0 if not known) of a location.

The various calculation functions return the time as an object of class CalendarTime. The hour and minute can be accessed directly by the getter functions or formatted to a string via the formatTime12 or formatTime24 methods in 12 hour (AM/PM) or 24 hour format. formatTimeShaaZmanit formats a value returned by GetShaaZmanit. A count of minutes can be added or subtracted from the time by addMinutes and subtractMinutes.

The class AstronomicalCalculations contains the following public methods:

Here is the code:

class Location {
  Location() {
    name = "";
    latitude = longitude = timeZone = elevation = 0;

  Location(String name, int latitude, int longitude, int timeZone, int elevation) { = name;
    this.latitude = latitude; this.longitude = longitude;
    this.timeZone = timeZone;
    this.elevation = elevation;

  public String getName() { return name; }
  public int getLatitude() { return latitude; }
  public int getLongitude() { return longitude; }
  public int getTimeZone() { return timeZone; }
  public int getElevation() { return elevation; }

  public void setName(String name) { = name; }
  public void setLatitude(int latitude) { this.latitude = latitude; }
  public void setLongitude(int longitude) { this.longitude = longitude; }
  public void setTimeZone(int timeZone) { this.timeZone = timeZone; }
  public void setElevation(int elevation) { this.elevation = elevation; }

  private String name;
  private int latitude, longitude, timeZone, elevation;

class CalendarTime {
  CalendarTime(int hour, int min) {
    this.hour = hour; this.min = min;

  public int getHour() { return hour; }
  public int getMin() { return min; }

  public void setHour(int hour) { this.hour = hour; }
  public void setMin(int min) { this.min = min; }

  public String formatTime12() {
    int hourModulo12 = hour % 12;
    if (hourModulo12 == 0)
      hourModulo12 = 12;

    String ampm;
    if (hour >= 12)
      ampm = "PM";
      ampm = "AM";

    String hourStr, minStr;
    if (hourModulo12 < 10)
      hourStr = "0" + Integer.toString(hourModulo12);
      hourStr = Integer.toString(hourModulo12);
    if (min < 10)
      minStr = "0" + Integer.toString(min);
      minStr = Integer.toString(min);
    return hourStr + ":" + minStr + ampm;

  public String formatTime24() {
    String hourStr, minStr;
    if (hour < 10)
      hourStr = "0" + Integer.toString(hour);
      hourStr = Integer.toString(hour);
    if (min < 10)
      minStr = "0" + Integer.toString(min);
      minStr = Integer.toString(min);
    return hourStr + ":" + minStr;

  public static String formatTimeShaaZmanit(int value) {
    int hour = (int) (value / 60);
    int min = value % 60;
    String hourStr, minStr;
    if (hour < 10)
      hourStr = "0" + Integer.toString(hour);
      hourStr = Integer.toString(hour);
    if (min < 10)
      minStr = "0" + Integer.toString(min);
      minStr = Integer.toString(min);
    return hourStr + ":" + minStr;

  public void addMinutes(int min) {
    this.min += min;
    while (this.min >= 60) {
      this.min -= 60;
      this.hour += 1;

  public void subtractMinutes(int min) {
    this.min -= min;
    while (this.min < 0) {
      this.min += 60;
      this.hour -= 1;

  private int hour, min;

class AstronomicalCalculations {
  private boolean leap(int y) {
    if (y % 400 == 0)
      return true;
    if (y % 100 != 0) {
      if (y % 4 == 0)
        return true;
    return false;
  private int doy(int d, int m, int y) {
    int[] monCount = {0, 1, 32, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366};
    if ((m > 2) && (leap(y)))
      return monCount[m] + d + 1;
      return monCount[m] + d;
  private double todec(int deg, int min) {
    return (deg + min / 60.0);
  private double M(double x) {
    return (0.9856 * x - 3.251);
  private double L(double x) {
    return (x + 1.916 * Math.sin(0.01745 * x) + 0.02 * Math.sin(2 * 0.01745 * x) + 282.565);
  private double adj(double x) {
    return (-0.06571 * x - 6.620);
  private double float_abs(double x) {
    if (x < 0.0)
      return (-x);
      return (x);
  private double[] suntime(int d, int m, int y,
            int zendeg, int zenmin,
            int londeg, int lonmin, int ew,
            int latdeg, int latmin, int ns,
            int tz,
            int elevation) { // Elevation in meters
    if (zendeg == 90) {
      double earthRadiusInMeters = 6356.9 * 1000.0;
      double elevationAdjustment = Math.toDegrees
        (Math.acos(earthRadiusInMeters / (earthRadiusInMeters + elevation)));

      double z = zendeg + zenmin / 60.0;
      z += elevationAdjustment;
      zendeg = (int) Math.floor(z);
      zenmin = (int) ((z - Math.floor(z)) * 60);

    int day = doy(d, m, y);
    double cosz = Math.cos(0.01745 * todec(zendeg, zenmin));

    double longitude = todec(londeg, lonmin);
    if (ew != 0)
      longitude *= -1;
    double lonhr     = longitude / 15.0;
    double latitude  = todec(latdeg, latmin);
    if (ns != 0) {
      latitude *= -1;
    double coslat    = Math.cos(0.01745 * latitude);
    double sinlat    = Math.sin(0.01745 * latitude);

    double t_rise = day + (6.0 + lonhr) / 24.0;
    double t_set  = day + (18.0 + lonhr) / 24.0;

    double xm_rise = M(t_rise);
    double xl_rise = L(xm_rise);
    double xm_set  = M(t_set);
    double xl_set  = L(xm_set);
    double a_rise = 57.29578 * Math.atan( 0.91746 * Math.tan(0.01745 * xl_rise) );
    double a_set  = 57.29578 * Math.atan( 0.91746 * Math.tan(0.01745 * xl_set) );
    if (float_abs(a_rise + 360.0 - xl_rise) > 90.0)
      a_rise += 180.0;
    if (a_rise > 360.0)
      a_rise -= 360.0;

    if (float_abs(a_set + 360.0 - xl_set) > 90.0)
      a_set += 180.0;
    if (a_set > 360.0)
      a_set -= 360.0;

    double ahr_rise = a_rise / 15.0;
    double sindec = 0.39782 * Math.sin(0.01745 * xl_rise);
    double cosdec = Math.sqrt(1.0 - sindec * sindec);
    double h_rise = (cosz - sindec * sinlat) / (cosdec * coslat);

    double ahr_set = a_set / 15.0;
    sindec = 0.39782 * Math.sin(0.01745 * xl_set);
    cosdec = Math.sqrt(1.0 - sindec * sindec);
    double h_set = (cosz - sindec * sinlat) / (cosdec * coslat);

    if (float_abs(h_rise) <= 1.0)
      h_rise = 57.29578 * Math.acos(h_rise);
      return null; // NO_SUNRISE

    if (float_abs(h_set) <= 1.0)
      h_set = 57.29578 * Math.acos(h_set);
      return null; // NO_SUNSET
    double ut_rise  = ((360.0 - h_rise) / 15.0) + ahr_rise + adj(t_rise) + lonhr;
    double ut_set  = (h_rise / 15.0) + ahr_set + adj(t_set) + lonhr;

    double returnSunrise = ut_rise + tz;  // sunrise
    double returnSunset = ut_set  + tz; // sunset
    double[] result = {returnSunrise, returnSunset};
    return result;
  private int[] timeadj(double t) {
    if (t < 0)
      t += 24.0;

    int hour = (int)Math.floor(t);
    int min  = (int)Math.floor((t - hour) * 60.0 + 0.5);

    if (min >= 60) {
      hour += 1;
      min  -= 60;

    if (hour > 24)
      hour -= 24;

    int[] result = {hour, min};
    return result;

  private int GetDegreesBelowHorizonAdd(int uMonth, int uDay, int uYear,
				double fDegreesBelowHorizon,
				Location location) {
    int iLatitude = location.getLatitude();
    int iLongitude = location.getLongitude();
    int iTimeZone = location.getTimeZone();
    int elevation = location.getElevation();

    int longitudeFlag, latitudeFlag;
    if (iLongitude < 0) {
      longitudeFlag = 0;
    } else {
      longitudeFlag = 1;
    if (iLatitude < 0) {
      latitudeFlag = 1;
    } else {
      latitudeFlag = 0;
    double[] returnTimes = suntime(uDay, uMonth, uYear,
	      90, 50,
	      (int)Math.floor(Math.abs(iLongitude / 100)),
		(int)Math.floor(Math.abs(iLongitude % 100)), longitudeFlag,
	      (int)Math.floor(Math.abs(iLatitude / 100)),
		(int)Math.floor(Math.abs(iLatitude % 100)), latitudeFlag,
	      iTimeZone, elevation);
    if (returnTimes != null) {
      int[] srTime = timeadj(returnTimes[1]);
      while (srTime[0] > 12) {
        srTime[0] -= 12;

      double db = fDegreesBelowHorizon + 90.0;
      int deghour = (int) Math.floor(db);
      db = db - deghour;
      db *= 60.0;
      int degmin = (int) Math.floor(db);
      returnTimes = suntime(uDay, uMonth, uYear,
		deghour, degmin,
		(int)(Math.floor(Math.abs(iLongitude / 100))),
		  (int)(Math.floor(Math.abs(iLongitude % 100))), longitudeFlag,
		(int)(Math.floor(Math.abs(iLatitude / 100))),
		  (int)(Math.floor(Math.abs(iLatitude % 100))), latitudeFlag,
		iTimeZone, elevation);
      if (returnTimes != null) {
        int[] dbTime = timeadj(returnTimes[1]);
        while (dbTime[0] > 12) {
          dbTime[0] -= 12;

        int srTimeValue = srTime[0] * 60 + srTime[1];
        int dbTimeValue = dbTime[0] * 60 + dbTime[1];
        return dbTimeValue - srTimeValue;
    return -1;
  public CalendarTime GetSunrise(int uMonth, int uDay, int uYear, Location location) {
    int iLatitude = location.getLatitude();
    int iLongitude = location.getLongitude();
    int iTimeZone = location.getTimeZone();
    int elevation = location.getElevation();

    int longitudeFlag, latitudeFlag;
    if (iLongitude < 0) {
      longitudeFlag = 0;
    } else {
      longitudeFlag = 1;
    if (iLatitude < 0) {
      latitudeFlag = 1;
    } else {
      latitudeFlag = 0;
    double[] returnTimes = suntime(uDay, uMonth, uYear,
	      90, 50,
	      (int)(Math.floor(Math.abs(iLongitude / 100))),
		(int)(Math.floor(Math.abs(iLongitude % 100))), longitudeFlag,
	      (int)(Math.floor(Math.abs(iLatitude / 100))),
		(int)(Math.floor(Math.abs(iLatitude % 100))), latitudeFlag,
	      iTimeZone, elevation);
    if (returnTimes != null) {
      int[] returnTime = timeadj(returnTimes[0]);
      while (returnTime[0] > 12) {
        returnTime[0] -= 12;
      return new CalendarTime(returnTime[0], returnTime[1]);
    } else {
      return null;
  public CalendarTime GetSunriseDegreesBelowHorizon(int uMonth, int uDay, int uYear,
				      double fDegreesBelowHorizon,
				      Location location) {
    CalendarTime t = GetSunrise(uMonth, uDay, uYear, location);
    if (t != null) {
      int adding = GetDegreesBelowHorizonAdd(uMonth, uDay, uYear, fDegreesBelowHorizon, location);
      if (adding != -1) {
        return t;
      } else {
        return null;
    } else {
      return null;
  public CalendarTime GetSunset(int uMonth, int uDay, int uYear,
		   Location location) {
    int iLatitude = location.getLatitude();
    int iLongitude = location.getLongitude();
    int iTimeZone = location.getTimeZone();
    int elevation = location.getElevation();

    int longitudeFlag, latitudeFlag;
    if (iLongitude < 0) {
      longitudeFlag = 0;
    } else {
      longitudeFlag = 1;
    if (iLatitude < 0) {
      latitudeFlag = 1;
    } else {
      latitudeFlag = 0;

    double[] returnTimes = suntime(uDay, uMonth, uYear,
	      90, 50,
	      (int)(Math.floor(Math.abs(iLongitude / 100))),
		(int)(Math.floor(Math.abs(iLongitude % 100))), longitudeFlag,
	      (int)(Math.floor(Math.abs(iLatitude / 100))),
		(int)(Math.floor(Math.abs(iLatitude % 100))), latitudeFlag,
	      iTimeZone, elevation);
    if (returnTimes != null) {
      int[] returnTime = timeadj(returnTimes[1]);

      while (returnTime[0] < 12)
        returnTime[0] += 12;

      return new CalendarTime(returnTime[0], returnTime[1]);
    } else {
      return null;

  public CalendarTime GetSunsetDegreesBelowHorizon(int uMonth, int uDay, int uYear,
				      double fDegreesBelowHorizon,
				      Location location) {
    CalendarTime t = GetSunset(uMonth, uDay, uYear, location);
    if (t != null) {
      int adding = GetDegreesBelowHorizonAdd(uMonth, uDay, uYear, fDegreesBelowHorizon, location);
      if (adding != -1) {
        return t;
      } else {
        return null;
    } else {
     return null;

  public CalendarTime GetProportionalHours(double value, CalendarTime sunrise, CalendarTime sunset) {
    if (sunrise == null || sunset == null)
      return null;
    double sr = sunrise.getHour() * 60 + sunrise.getMin();
    double ss = sunset.getHour() * 60 + sunset.getMin();
    double retval = sr + Math.floor(((ss-sr) * value) / 12);
    int[] propResult = {(int)(Math.floor(retval / 60)), (int)(retval % 60)};
    return new CalendarTime(propResult[0], propResult[1]);

  public int GetShaaZmanit(CalendarTime sunrise, CalendarTime sunset) {
    double sr = sunrise.getHour() * 60 + sunrise.getMin();
    double ss = sunset.getHour() * 60 + sunrise.getMin();
    return (int)(Math.floor((ss - sr) / 12));

// Test program for the above astronomical code
public class test {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    CalendarTime t;
    Location loc = new Location("Pforzheim", 4854, 842, 1, 263);
    AstronomicalCalculations a = new AstronomicalCalculations();
    System.out.println("Pforzheim, 20/11/2005...");
    t = a.GetSunrise(11, 20, 2005, loc);
    System.out.println("Sunrise: " + t.formatTime24() + ", " + t.formatTime12());
    t = a.GetSunset(11, 20, 2005, loc);
    System.out.println("Sunset: " + t.formatTime24());
    System.out.println("Sunset + 45 minutes: " + t.formatTime24());
    t = a.GetSunset(11, 20, 2005, loc);
    System.out.println("Sunset - 18 minutes: " + t.formatTime24());
    t = a.GetSunriseDegreesBelowHorizon(11, 20, 2005, 11, loc);
    System.out.println("Sunrise - 11° below horizon: " + t.formatTime24());
    t = a.GetSunsetDegreesBelowHorizon(11, 20, 2005, 8.75, loc);
    System.out.println("Sunset + 8.75° below horizon: " + t.formatTime24());
    CalendarTime sunr = a.GetSunrise(11, 20, 2005, loc);
    CalendarTime suns = a.GetSunset(11, 20, 2005, loc);
    t = a.GetProportionalHours(3, sunr, suns);
    System.out.println("Proportional hour (3): " + t.formatTime24());
    int shaaZmanit = a.GetShaaZmanit(sunr, suns);
    System.out.println("Sha'a Zmanit: " + CalendarTime.formatTimeShaaZmanit(shaaZmanit));

Calculating Israeli Daylight Savings Time

Daylight Savings Time starts in Israel on the last Friday before 2nd of April and ends on the Sunday between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. The following function isIsraeliDaylightSavingsTime checks for a Gregorian date whether Daylight Savings Time in Israel is in effect on that day or not.

  public static boolean isIsraeliDaylightSavingsTime(CalendarDate date, CalendarImpl i) {
    // Get Jewish year of Yom Kippur in the passed Gregorian year
    int a = i.absoluteFromGregorianDate(new CalendarDate(31, 12, date.getYear()));
    CalendarDate jewishCurrent = i.jewishDateFromAbsolute(a);

    // Get Last Friday before 2nd of April
    int dstBegin = i.absoluteFromGregorianDate(new CalendarDate(2, 4, date.getYear())); // 2 April
    dstBegin--; // get the day before 2nd of April
    while (i.getWeekday(dstBegin) != 5) // gets the weekday, 5 = Friday
      dstBegin--; // counts to the previous day until Friday

    // Get Sunday between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur
    // Take the first Sunday on or after 3rd of Tishri
    int dstEnd = i.absoluteFromJewishDate(new CalendarDate(3, 7, jewishCurrent.getYear()));
    while (i.getWeekday(dstEnd) != 0) // gets the weekday, 0 = Sunday
      dstEnd++; // counts to the next day until Sunday

    // Check if the current date is between the start and end date ...
    int currentDate = i.absoluteFromGregorianDate(date);
    if (currentDate >= dstBegin && currentDate < dstEnd)
      return true;
      return false;

Calculating Jewish holidays

A list of the holidays with their dates and remarks for calculation is available here.

The following function getHolidayForDate calculates the holidays for a gregorian date gdate. The holidays are returned in a Vector because Shabbat Hagadol and Erev Pesach can fall together.

  private static int getWeekdayOfHebrewDate(int hebDay, int hebMonth, int hebYear, CalendarImpl i) {
    int absDate = i.absoluteFromJewishDate(new CalendarDate(hebDay, hebMonth, hebYear));
    return absDate % 7;

  public static Vector getHolidayForDate(CalendarDate gdate, CalendarImpl i,
                                  boolean diaspora) {
    int absDate = i.absoluteFromGregorianDate(gdate);
    CalendarDate jewishDate = i.jewishDateFromAbsolute(absDate);
    int hebDay = jewishDate.getDay();
    int hebMonth = jewishDate.getMonth();
    int hebYear = jewishDate.getYear();

    Vector listHolidays = new Vector();

    // Holidays in Nisan

    int hagadolDay = 14;
    while (getWeekdayOfHebrewDate(hagadolDay, 1, hebYear, i) != 6)
      hagadolDay -= 1;
    if (hebDay == hagadolDay && hebMonth == 1)
      listHolidays.addElement("Shabat Hagadol");

    if (hebDay == 14 && hebMonth == 1)
      listHolidays.addElement("Erev Pesach");
    if (hebDay == 15 && hebMonth == 1)
      listHolidays.addElement("Pesach I");
    if (hebDay == 16 && hebMonth == 1) {
      if (diaspora) {
        listHolidays.addElement("Pesach II");
      } else {
        listHolidays.addElement("Chol Hamoed");
    if (hebDay == 17 && hebMonth == 1)
      listHolidays.addElement("Chol Hamoed");
    if (hebDay == 18 && hebMonth == 1)
      listHolidays.addElement("Chol Hamoed");
    if (hebDay == 19 && hebMonth == 1)
      listHolidays.addElement("Chol Hamoed");
    if (hebDay == 20 && hebMonth == 1)
      listHolidays.addElement("Chol Hamoed");
    if (hebDay == 21 && hebMonth == 1) {
      if (!diaspora)
        listHolidays.addElement("Pesach VII (Yizkor)");
        listHolidays.addElement("Pesach VII");
    if (hebDay == 22 && hebMonth == 1) {
      if (diaspora)
        listHolidays.addElement("Pesach VIII (Yizkor)");

    // Yom Hashoah

    if (getWeekdayOfHebrewDate(27, 1, hebYear, i) == 5) {
      if (hebDay == 26 && hebMonth == 1)
        listHolidays.addElement("Yom Hashoah");
    } else if (hebYear >= 5757 && getWeekdayOfHebrewDate(27, 1, hebYear, i) == 0) {
      if (hebDay == 28 && hebMonth == 1)
        listHolidays.addElement("Yom Hashoah");
    } else {
      if (hebDay == 27 && hebMonth == 1)
        listHolidays.addElement("Yom Hashoah");

    // Holidays in Iyar

    // Yom Hazikaron

    if (getWeekdayOfHebrewDate(4, 2, hebYear, i) == 5) { // If 4th of Iyar is a Thursday ...
      if (hebDay == 2 && hebMonth == 2) // ... then Yom Hazicaron is on 2th of Iyar
        listHolidays.addElement("Yom Hazikaron");
    } else if (getWeekdayOfHebrewDate(4, 2, hebYear, i) == 4) {
      if (hebDay == 3 && hebMonth == 2)
          listHolidays.addElement("Yom Hazikaron");
    } else if (hebYear >= 5764 && getWeekdayOfHebrewDate(4, 2, hebYear, i) == 0) {
      if (hebDay == 5 && hebMonth == 2)
        listHolidays.addElement("Yom Hazikaron");
    } else {
      if (hebDay == 4 && hebMonth == 2)
        listHolidays.addElement("Yom Hazikaron");

    // Yom Ha'Azmaut

    if (getWeekdayOfHebrewDate(5, 2, hebYear, i) == 6) {
      if (hebDay == 3 && hebMonth == 2)
        listHolidays.addElement("Yom Ha'Atzmaut");
    } else if (getWeekdayOfHebrewDate(5, 2, hebYear, i) == 5) {
      if (hebDay == 4 && hebMonth == 2)
        listHolidays.addElement("Yom Ha'Atzmaut");
    } else if (hebYear >= 5764 && getWeekdayOfHebrewDate(4, 2, hebYear, i) == 0) {
      if (hebDay == 6 && hebMonth == 2)
        listHolidays.addElement("Yom Ha'Atzmaut");
    } else {
      if (hebDay == 5 && hebMonth == 2)
        listHolidays.addElement("Yom Ha'Atzmaut");
    if (hebDay == 14 && hebMonth == 2)
      listHolidays.addElement("Pesach Sheni");
    if(hebDay == 18 && hebMonth == 2)
      listHolidays.addElement("Lag BaOmer");
    if(hebDay == 28 && hebMonth == 2)
      listHolidays.addElement("Yom Yerushalayim");

    // Holidays in Sivan

    if (hebDay == 5 && hebMonth == 3)
      listHolidays.addElement("Erev Shavuot");
    if (hebDay == 6 && hebMonth == 3) {
      if (diaspora)
        listHolidays.addElement("Shavuot I");
        listHolidays.addElement("Shavuot (Yizkor)");
    if (hebDay == 7 && hebMonth == 3) {
      if (diaspora)
        listHolidays.addElement("Shavuot II (Yizkor)");

    // Holidays in Tammuz

    if (getWeekdayOfHebrewDate(17, 4, hebYear, i) == 6) {
      if (hebDay == 18 && hebMonth == 4)
        listHolidays.addElement("Fast of Tammuz");
    } else {
      if (hebDay == 17 && hebMonth == 4)
        listHolidays.addElement("Fast of Tammuz");

    // Holidays in Av

    if (getWeekdayOfHebrewDate(9, 5, hebYear, i) == 6) {
      if (hebDay == 10 && hebMonth == 5)
        listHolidays.addElement("Fast of Av");
    } else {
      if (hebDay == 9 && hebMonth == 5)
        listHolidays.addElement("Fast of Av");
    if (hebDay == 15 && hebMonth == 5)
      listHolidays.addElement("Tu B'Av");

    // Holidays in Elul

    if (hebDay == 29 && hebMonth == 6)
      listHolidays.addElement("Erev Rosh Hashana");

    // Holidays in Tishri

    if (hebDay == 1 && hebMonth == 7)
      listHolidays.addElement("Rosh Hashana I");
    if (hebDay == 2 && hebMonth == 7)
      listHolidays.addElement("Rosh Hashana II");
    if (getWeekdayOfHebrewDate(3, 7, hebYear, i) == 6) {
      if (hebDay == 4 && hebMonth == 7)
        listHolidays.addElement("Tzom Gedaliah");
    } else {
      if (hebDay == 3 && hebMonth == 7)
        listHolidays.addElement("Tzom Gedaliah");
    if (hebDay == 9 && hebMonth == 7)
      listHolidays.addElement("Erev Yom Kippur");
    if (hebDay == 10 && hebMonth == 7)
      listHolidays.addElement("Yom Kippur (Yizkor)");
    if (hebDay == 14 && hebMonth == 7)
      listHolidays.addElement("Erev Sukkot");
    if (hebDay == 15 && hebMonth == 7) {
      if (diaspora)
        listHolidays.addElement("Sukkot I");
    if (hebDay == 16 && hebMonth == 7) {
      if (diaspora)
        listHolidays.addElement("Sukkot II");
        listHolidays.addElement("Chol Hamoed");
    if (hebDay == 17 && hebMonth == 7)
      listHolidays.addElement("Chol Hamoed");
    if (hebDay == 18 && hebMonth == 7)
      listHolidays.addElement("Chol Hamoed");
    if (hebDay == 19 && hebMonth == 7)
      listHolidays.addElement("Chol Hamoed");
    if (hebDay == 20 && hebMonth == 7)
      listHolidays.addElement("Chol Hamoed");
    if (hebDay == 21 && hebMonth == 7)
      listHolidays.addElement("Hoshana Raba");
    if (hebDay == 22 && hebMonth == 7) {
      if (!diaspora) {
        listHolidays.addElement("Shemini Atzereth (Yizkor)");
        listHolidays.addElement("Simchat Torah");
      } else {
        listHolidays.addElement("Shemini Atzereth (Yizkor)");
    if (hebDay == 23 && hebMonth == 7) {
      if (diaspora)
        listHolidays.addElement("Simchat Torah");

    // Holidays in Kislev

    if (hebDay == 25 && hebMonth == 9)
      listHolidays.addElement("Chanukka I");
    if (hebDay == 26 && hebMonth == 9)
      listHolidays.addElement("Chanukka II");
    if (hebDay == 27 && hebMonth == 9)
      listHolidays.addElement("Chanukka III");
    if (hebDay == 28 && hebMonth == 9)
      listHolidays.addElement("Chanukka IV");
    if (hebDay == 29 && hebMonth == 9)
      listHolidays.addElement("Chanukka V");

    // Holidays in Tevet

    if (hebDay == 10 && hebMonth == 10)
      listHolidays.addElement("Fast of Tevet");

    if (i.getLastDayOfJewishMonth(9, hebYear) == 30) {
      if (hebDay == 30 && hebMonth == 9)
        listHolidays.addElement("Chanukka VI");
      if (hebDay == 1 && hebMonth == 10)
        listHolidays.addElement("Chanukka VII");
      if (hebDay == 2 && hebMonth == 10)
        listHolidays.addElement("Chanukka VIII");
    if (i.getLastDayOfJewishMonth(9, hebYear) == 29) {
      if (hebDay == 1 && hebMonth == 10)
        listHolidays.addElement("Chanukka VI");
      if (hebDay == 2 && hebMonth == 10)
        listHolidays.addElement("Chanukka VII");
      if (hebDay == 3 && hebMonth == 10)
        listHolidays.addElement("Chanukka VIII");

    // Holidays in Shevat

    if (hebDay == 15 && hebMonth == 11)
      listHolidays.addElement("Tu B'Shevat");

    // Holidays in Adar (I)/Adar II

    int monthEsther;
    if (i.hebrewLeapYear(hebYear))
      monthEsther = 13;
      monthEsther = 12;
    if (getWeekdayOfHebrewDate(13, monthEsther, hebYear, i) == 6) {
      if (hebDay == 11 && hebMonth == monthEsther)
        listHolidays.addElement("Fast of Esther");
    } else {
      if (hebDay == 13 && hebMonth == monthEsther)
        listHolidays.addElement("Fast of Esther");

    if (hebDay == 14 && hebMonth == monthEsther)
    if (hebDay == 15 && hebMonth == monthEsther)
      listHolidays.addElement("Shushan Purim");

    if (i.hebrewLeapYear(hebYear)) {
      if (hebDay == 14 && hebMonth == 12)
        listHolidays.addElement("Purim Katan");
      if (hebDay == 15 && hebMonth == 12)
        listHolidays.addElement("Shushan Purim Katan");
    return listHolidays;

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