18 Tevet 5785

David Greve

יח טבת ה'תשפ''ה

Curriculum vitae

1999School enrollment
2003Change of school to Hebel-Gymnasium Pforzheim
2005Participation at Jugend Forscht with the project Barcode-Keyboards
2006Letter of Certification from Myriad Data Corporation (USA)
2006Second award at Bundeswettbewerb Informatik (Computer science competition) in the second round
2007Second award at Landeswettbewerb Mathematik (Mathematics competition) in the first round
2008Participation at Jugend Forscht with the project "Software for a wheeltable/-chair control via WLAN with optional application of a robot arm", received a regional win
2011Expected Abitur (cp. GCASE or A-levels)

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